Have A Dark Spot On Your Red Garment?
What is the problem?
Did you know that black or bluish discoloration that cannot be removed mysteriously appear on red fabric or fuchsia shaded pink garments? Let’s take a closer look at what this means.
Red Garments
What Does Dark Spots Look Like?
The dark discolorations look like ink or dye stains, but stain removal agents have no affect. They most often occur as streaks or random splotches with no apparent explanation. Sometimes these spots don’t become noticeable until the heat of a cleaning process accelerates the color change.
What Causes Dark Spots?
Some red and pink colored dye shades are sensitive to moisture and chemicals containing moisture. In some instances, contact with mild acid or alkaline soaps, shampoos, cleaning products, or even toothpaste, can create the problem. Perspiration can also cause this specific type of phenomenon because it starts out acidic and changes to an alkaline pH over time. In addition, many times the dye used in manufacture contains a metallic oxide to achieve the desired vivid red and pink shades.
For this reason, garments with metal buttons, zippers, snaps and other metal trim that come into contact with moisture or even high humidity are more susceptible to this type of discoloration. Even separate fabrics that brush up against these metals white damp with moisture or high humidity are vulnerable. Sometimes the metallic content in water alone is enough to create an eventual adverse color change.
Can Dark Spots Be Prevented?
The risk of this specific type of dye damage can only be prevented during the original dyeing process. Many dye shades are available that are much less sensitive to simple contact with mild acids, alkalis, or even water alone. Neither the consumer nor the cleaner can prevent discoloration of such sensitive dyes.
Who Is Responsible For This?
The overall responsibility lies with the garment manufacturer for using a dye that is far too sensitive for normal conditions of expected use, transportation, storage, or professional care without risk of color changes.
Is There A Remedy For Dark Spots?
Unfortunately, this particular type of color change is almost always positive. However, here at Avon Cleaners we will look through your garments for stains to see if they are able to undergo the stain removal process. Therefore, be sure to always contact us to learn more about how we can help care for your garments before tossing them away.
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Have a question about pilling? We are here to help. Contact Avon Cleaners today to learn more information on pilling. And, feel free to read our published blog post to learn more about pilling in sweater garments.